Usefulness of the Tei index in the real world


  • Laura Fernández Fernández Técnicos de Ecocardiografía. Sección de Cardiología no invasiva. Hospital Universitario Araba. Vitoria-Gasteiz. España
  • Iñaki Lahuerta Martínez Técnicos de Ecocardiografía. Sección de Cardiología no invasiva. Hospital Universitario Araba. Vitoria-Gasteiz. España
  • Urko Filmore Carrasco Técnicos de Ecocardiografía. Sección de Cardiología no invasiva. Hospital Universitario Araba. Vitoria-Gasteiz. España



Tei index, Doppler, ventricular function.


Echocardiography has become the standard non-invasive method for myocardical function evaluation. The Tei index evaluates the global performance ventricle obtained with the calculation of both function parameters diastolic as systolic. Although it is a useful method for the study of the left and rigth ventricular function, the truth is that there is more bibliography information about its utility in right pathology, mainly in the pulmonary embolism. In this article, we try to explain the steps which must always be followed to get the most accurate Tei index value.


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How to Cite

Fernández Fernández L, Lahuerta Martínez I, Filmore Carrasco U. Usefulness of the Tei index in the real world. Rev Ecocardiogr Pract Otras Tec Imag Card (RETIC) [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];(6):53-6. Available from:

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