
Manuscripts submitted to the journal should follow the CARE: Case Report Guidelines.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR PUBLICATION. All manuscripts should conform to the instructions for publication. It is assumed that the corresponding author of the publication is responsible for the application of the instructions and that the rest of the authors know, participate and agree with the content of the manuscript.

FORMAT.The manuscript should be submitted in a Word document with A4 size page format, with 2.5 centimeters margin at all ends, Arial 12 pt font with 1.5 line spacing and with page numbering (including abstracts and title page) in the lower right corner.

SUBMISSION. Manuscripts are only received through the journal's Open Journal Systems platform (ENLACE). Our editorial management system will guide you step by step through the process of entering your article data and attaching files. All manuscripts submitted to the journal must submit the following:

  • Data sheet. Format with data that may compromise the anonymity of the manuscript and other required inputs. Download
  • Full text manuscript, anonymized and as indicated. Download
  • Declaration of compliance with the Editorial Policies. Format that includes statements on originality and authorship, copyright, informed consent and conflict of interest. Download
  • Files of images, videos, tables or figures. . According to the indications and specifications established by the journal.


  • The Data Sheet should be sent in a file named with the worddatos (followed by an underscore and without accents) of the first surname of the corresponding author. Example: datos_molina.doc
  • The article should be sent in a file with the title of the manuscript in lowercase letters.Example: complicación asociada a infarto miocárdico reporte de caso.doc
  • The letter of compliance with editorial policies should be sent in a file named with the word cumplimiento (followed by an underscore and without accents) of the first surname of the corresponding author.Example: cumplimiento_molina.doc