About the Journal


ISSN: 2529-976X | Contact: retic.redaccioncto@ctoeditorial.com


La Revista de Ecocardiografía Práctica y Otras Técnicas de Imagen Cardíaca (RETIC) is a scientific publication created by the  Sociedad Española de Imagen Cardíaca (SEIC), the Sociedad de Imágenes Cardiovasculares de la Sociedad Interamericana de Cardiología (SISIAC) and the Grupo Editorial CTO


To promote knowledge and training in cardiac imaging techniques. Cardiac imaging techniques are, without a doubt, the most important revolution that has taken place in the field of cardiology in the last 50 years. The rapid technological advances and their incorporation into our clinical practice require extensive knowledge of the different imaging methodologies and the need for constant training of dedicated professionals.

To transfer advances in cardiac imaging techniques to clinical practice. Through the publication, with a teaching approach, of clinical practice cases and reviews of the main scientific advances.

To make science practical. This is a journal that aims to extract the lessons learned from the application of cardiac imaging techniques in real clinical situations. Therefore, the basis of each issue is an extensive series of clinical cases complemented with review articles focused in a very practical way and with several short articles on practical "tricks" in the use of imaging techniques.


The scope of the journal covers the entire professional field of cardiac imaging. The topics we develop are: echocardiography, cardiology, cardiac imaging, cardiovascular ultrasound and cardiac ultrasound.


The RETIC journal aims to be a meeting place where all professionals dedicated to cardiac imaging, regardless of their training, experience or place of work, can share their knowledge and passion for imaging techniques, submit their own cases and review the best cases of colleagues from all over the world as a stimulus to be permanently updated.


The journal has a four-monthly periodicity, the first issue corresponds to the period from January to April, the second from May to August and the third from September to December. The first issue is published on April 30, the second on August 30 and the third on December 31. It is a free online journal that makes the best of cardiac imaging available to readers at the click of a button.