Revista de Ecocardiografía Práctica y Otras Técnicas de Imagen Cardíaca (RETIC)is indexed in:
DOAJ. Is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world. DOAJ's mission is to increase the visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage and impact of quality, peer-reviewed, open access scholarly research journals globally, regardless of discipline, geography or language.
DIALNET. It is one of the largest bibliographic portals in the world, whose main purpose is to give greater visibility to the Hispanic scientific literature. Collects various types of documents: journal articles, books, chapters of collective works or doctoral theses, many of them in full text.
LATINDEX. It is the Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, which includes scientific research, technical-professional, scientific and cultural journals. RETIC is indexed in the Directory and in the Catalog 2.0.
BASE. Bielefeld Academic Search Engine is a search engine that provides access to the metadata of more than 300 million documents (including journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, patents, audiovisual material, etc.)
CORE. It is the world's largest aggregator of open access research articles from repositories and journals. It is a non-profit service dedicated to the mission of open access. Its mission is to aggregate all open access research worldwide and provide unrestricted access for all.
MIAR. Information Matrix for Journal Analysis. This is a matrix of data from more than 100 journal directories and international indexing and abstracting databases (citation, multidisciplinary or specialised), which is prepared with the purpose of providing useful information for the identification of scientific journals and the analysis of their dissemination.
Dimensions. It is a scientific information platform from Digital Science, which includes a citation database, a set of research analytics, and modern article access and discovery functionality. Full text is available for 96 million articles, either from a public source such as DOAJ, PubMedCentral or arXiv.
WorldCat. It is a virtual library, coordinated and managed by the OCLC cooperative. This site offers an extensive bibliographic database and is a resource for locating bibliographic and audiovisual materials found in libraries around the world.
National Library of Spain The National Library of Spain's general catalog contains all of the Library's documents: books, manuscripts, press, graphic material, scores, audiovisuals and sound recordings. Queries can be made using any of the available searches: simple, advanced, alphabetical or by reference number.