Doppler flows and images to know. Part 1: arterial Doppler flow of vessels of the neck and extremitie


  • Adrián Horacio D'Ovidio Cardiovascular Imaging. MTFAC, MGTR, FACC, FSISIAC. Rawson Hospital. San Juan. Argentina
  • Gabriel Perea Cardiology and Cardiovascular Imaging. Cardiovascular Institute of Buenos Aires. Argentina
  • Patricio Glenny Cardiology and Cardiovascular Imaging. Chief of Cardiovascular Imaging, Adventist Cardiovascular Institute. Argentina
  • Laura Titievsky Cardiology and Cardiovascular Imaging. Cardiology Institute of Corrientes. Argentina



vascular ultrasound, carotid doppler, limb doppler.


The vascular Doppler ultrasound in all its forms allows to evaluate all the arterial and venous territories of the organism, with the advantages of its very high sensitivity and specificity and positive and negative predictive values, its low cost, reproducibility, full availability, equipment portability, allowing for “bed side” studies. Like any method that uses ultrasound, is an operator dependent and therefore achieving accreditations in order to do these studies correctly takes a long time of study and practical training. Being a “flow observer” is key to a good vascular sonographer because the flows “speak”, give us valuable information that allows a great diagnostic approach. This is the first delivery of the “Doppler flows and images to be known”, the study of arteries of the neck and arteries of extremities will be addressed. Upcoming publications will include the rest of the artery and venous territories.


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How to Cite

D’Ovidio AH, Perea G, Glenny P, Titievsky L. Doppler flows and images to know. Part 1: arterial Doppler flow of vessels of the neck and extremitie. Rev Ecocardiogr Pract Otras Tec Imag Card (RETIC) [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];3(3):36-42. Available from:

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