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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The original manuscript has not been published in whole or in part (significant parts) previously, nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal. If the editorial decision of the journal is to accept the manuscript, the signatories agree not to submit it to another journal.
  • As part of the submission, the following files shall be uploaded separately:
    a. Data sheet. Format with data that may compromise the anonymity of the manuscript and other required inputs.
    b. Full-text manuscript, anonymized and according to the template.
    c. Declaration of compliance with the Editorial Policies. Format that includes statements on originality and authorship, copyright, informed consent and conflict of interest.
    d. Files of images, videos, tables or figures. Whenever possible, URL addresses are provided for references.
  • Citations and bibliographic references. Citation standards according to Vancouver format have been complied with. All bibliographic references are cited in the text and all citations appear in the bibliographic references at the end of the text. The active link to the DOI of the cited articles has been added, if any, with the format:
  • Language. Manuscripts must be written in Spanish and must have a spell check and eliminate double spaces.
  • Images and videos. All the indications and specifications established by the magazine have been followed.
  • Keywords. The Descriptors in Health Sciences/Medical Subject Headings DeCS/MeSH (DeCS) have been used for the keywords.
  • Metadata in English. Title, abstract, key words should be in both English and Spanish.

Author Guidelines


All manuscripts submitted to the journal must submit the following:

  1. DATA SHEET. Format with data that may compromise the anonymity of the manuscript and other required contributions. Download
  2. MANUSCRIPT. Full text, anonymous and according to the indications. Download
  3. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH EDITORIAL POLICIES. Format that includes statements on originality and authorship, copyright, informed consent and conflict of interest. Download
  4. FILE OF IMAGES, VIDEOS, TABLES OR FIGURES. According to the indications and specifications established by the journal.



The format contains:

Title: In Spanish and English. Less than 150 characters including spaces.
Authors: Indicate the name and surname of all authors. The first author will be the corresponding author.
E-mail: Indicate the institutional e-mail address of all authors.
Affiliation: Identification of the service and reference center (hospital, clinic or company). Also indicate the city and country.
ORCID identifier: Indicate the 12-digit code according to the format:
Correspondence address: Reference person for possible communications. A contact person and e-mail address must be specified.




Length.1200 words maximum (not including abstract, title page or bibliographical references).


Title: In Spanish and English. Less than 150 characters including spaces. To be included in the second part of the title "Case Report".
Abstract: Structured, less than 100 words, in Spanish and English.
Keywords: Between 2 and 4 keywords in Spanish and English. The use of the Descriptors in Health Sciences/Medical Subject Headings DeCS/MeSH (DeCS) is recommended for keywords and keywords.
Body of the article:

  • Case presentation.
  • Study by image: Presentation of images, figures, videos, and tables: up to 15 figures or video clips and 1 table.
  • Discussion.
  • Conclusion.

Ideas to remember. Include in the manuscript 2-3 final ideas with a maximum of 40 words in total each, summarizing very briefly the learning obtained with the case.
Bibliography. Maximum of 8 references following the Vancouver standard.
Informed Consent: The authors confirm that they have the informed consent of all patients studied in their research.
Source of Funding: The authors declare whether or not there are sources of funding for the conduct of the research.
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare whether or not there is a conflict of interest.
Declaration of Data Availability: Authors declare on the availability of the underlying data for the research.



Length. 5000 words maximum (not including abstract, title page or bibliographical references).


Title: In Spanish and English. Less than 150 characters including spaces.
Abstract. Structured, less than 100 words, in Spanish and English.
Key words. Between 2 and 4 keywords in Spanish and English. The use of the Descriptors in Health Sciences/Medical Subject Headings DeCS/MeSH (DeCS) is recommended for keywords and key words.
Table of abbreviations.
Body of the article. With free structure according to the author's criteria. Recommended:

  • Summary of the clinical problem or of the current state of the art.
    Structured description of the subject of the article in several sections.
  • Images, figures, videos and tables: up to 20 figures or video clips and up to 2 tables.
  • Conclusion.

Ideas to remember. Include in the manuscript 2-5 final ideas with a maximum of 40 words in total each, summarizing very briefly the learning obtained with the case.
Bibliography. Maximum of 15 references following the Vancouver standard.
Informed Consent: The authors confirm that they have the informed consent of all patients studied in their research.
Source of Funding: The authors declare whether or not there are sources of funding for the conduct of the research.
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare whether or not there is a conflict of interest.
Declaration of Data Availability: Authors declare on the availability of the underlying data for the research.



Length. 500 words maximum (including captions of figures/video; not including title page or bibliographical references.


Title: In Spanish and English. Less than 150 characters including spaces.
Abstract. Structured, less than 100 words, in Spanish and English.
Key words. Between 2 and 4 keywords in Spanish and English. The use of the Descriptors in Health Sciences/Medical Subject Headings DeCS/MeSH (DeCS) is recommended for keywords and key words.
Body of the article:

  • Presentation.
  • Images, up to 5 figures, images, videos and tables.
  • Conclusion.

Ideas to remember. Include in the manuscript 2-3 final ideas with a maximum of 40 words in total each, summarizing very briefly the learning obtained with the case.
Bibliography. Maximum of 3 references following the Vancouver standard.
Informed Consent: The authors confirm that they have the informed consent of all patients studied in their research.
Source of Funding: The authors declare whether or not there are sources of funding for the conduct of the research.
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare whether or not there is a conflict of interest.
Declaration of Data Availability: Authors declare on the availability of the underlying data for the research.


Manuscripts must be written in Spanish, with acceptable grammar and spelling. No spelling or typographical errors.


References according to the Vancouver standard, marked with their order of appearance number in the text in superscript format, making sure that all references are present as editable text in the reference list (and vice versa). Unpublished results and personal communications will not be included in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. Abbreviations may be used, but all should be specifically developed the first time they appear in the text.



The format integrates all the Editorial Policies of the journal. Authors agree to comply with the following statements:

Originality and authorship:

  • This is an original work that has not been published in whole or in part (significant parts) previously nor has it been simultaneously submitted to another publication.
  • Substantial contributions were made to the conception or design of the study; or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of the results.
  • All authors participated in the writing of the manuscript or the critical revision of its intellectual content.
  • All authors certify that all figures and illustrations accompanying the manuscript have not been digitally altered.
  • All authors approve the final content of the submitted manuscript.
  • All authors accept responsibility for the content of the manuscript, in order to ensure that any concerns regarding the accuracy or completeness of any part of the paper are properly investigated and resolved.


  • If the manuscript is accepted, the authors grant the journal permission to publish under a Creative Commons license for unmodified, non-commercial distribution of the article (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
  • The authors agree that the Journal of Practical Echocardiography and Other Cardiac Imaging Techniques (RETIC) will assume the rights to edit, publish, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works in paper, electronic or multimedia format, and include the article in national and international indexes or databases.
  • The authors confirm that the Editorial Committee does not necessarily agree with the statements made in the article.

Informed consent:

  • The authors confirm that they have collected and filed informed consents from all subjects studied and state that they have them.
  • The authors state that throughout the research and writing of the manuscript, the privacy of the subjects was respected and the information/images were anonymized to ensure the protection of personal data.

Conflicts of interest:

  • The authors confirm that they have no relationships of commercial or personal interest within the framework of the research that led to the production of the manuscript.
  • Otherwise, at the end of the manuscript, the authors explicitly disclose the relationships that may bias the work. They expose the existence of any economic or intellectual conflict of interest that may result in bias or inappropriate decisions about the research.

Data availability statement:

  • The authors declare that all data underlying the results are available as part of the article and no additional source data are required.

Knowledge of editorial policy:

  • All authors declare that they are aware of and accept the rules embodied in the journal's editorial policy. Thus, they affirm that the execution of the study has complied with the current regulations on research ethics and that they have permission to reproduce material (figures or tables) from other published sources.



The journal gathers clinical cases of cardiac imaging so it is recommended that manuscripts be focused on the presentation of imaging findings with the most complete iconography possible. The following recommendations should be followed:

  • Images should NOT include personal patient information or patient-identifying information. In the event that the author does not need technical support to edit the images and delete personal patient data, this work will be done by the editorial team.
  • Images and videos must be obtained directly from the equipment or from the work consoles. Images recorded with cell phones will not be accepted.
  • Images should be submitted as a separate file from the main text, and should be numbered consecutively and referenced in the text.
  • Images should be of the best possible quality, in JEPG or TIFF format at high resolution (ideally 300 dpi).
  • Images should be labeled to mark the most important findings. Labels, dates, etc. should be sized to display correctly when inserted into the publication and should be delivered in an editable format.
  • Video clips should be of the best possible quality with mp4 or avi format with at least 20 frames per second.
  • Figures such as drawings, graphs or tables must be original creation of the author and delivered in a separate file from the main text with good quality and editable format. In the case of tables, they must be sent in Word format.
  • All iconography elements (figures, tables, images and videos) must have an explanatory caption. The captions of figures, tables, images and videos should be placed together at the end of the document in a separate section.



It is recommended to complete the checklist for the correct submission of the manuscript.


Manuscripts are ONLY received through the Open Journal Systems platform of the journal (LINK). To submit a manuscript, the following steps must be followed:

  • Choose the journal section (review articles, clinical cases, image vignette - Trukipedia).
  • Verify the checklist for submission preparation.
  • Upload the data sheet, manuscript, statement of compliance with editorial policies, and images or videos.
  • Include all metadata (authors, affiliation, e-mail; title, abstract, keywords and references).

Privacy Statement

The personal information entered in the registration process of the RETIC will be incorporated into the user base of the journal, and will be managed in accordance with the indications provided in the General Data Protection Regulation of the Spanish legislation.

  • Access to the information: by the RETIC team of editors and the technical support team of the CTO Group.
  • Purpose: the information will be used exclusively for processes related to editorial management and access to content, and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.
  • Legitimation: express consent of the interested parties.
  • Rights: you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation and deletion of your data through the following contact address